Some recent academic talks:
Keynote lecture ["Evolutionary foundations of human motivation: Recent advances"]
at FUR 2024 (Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference) in Brisbane
Keynote lecture ["From Hamilton’s rule to the lab: disentangling other-regard from semi-Kantian concerns"]
at LEG 2024 (Learning, Evolution, and Games) in Brisbane
Keynote lecture ["Does universalization ethics justify participation in large elections?"]
at PET 2024 (Public Economic Theory Conference) in Lyon
Atkinson Memorial Lecture, at the Global Priorites Institute, Oxford University
Invited talk on the Evolutionary Foundations of Morality at Bilkent University Economics Student Research Union
Keynote lecture at TARK XVII (Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge) in Toulouse
Keynote lecture at LEG 2019 (Learning, Evolution, and Games) in Tel Aviv
Invited talk at the Conference in Honor of Jörgen W. Weibull in Stockholm
Contributed talk at SEHO 2019 (Society of Economics of the Household) in Lisbon
Contributed talk at EHBEA 2019 (European Human Behavior and Evolution Association) in Toulouse
Pareto Lecture at ASSET 2018 (Association of Southern-European Economic Theorists) in Florence
Invited talk at the 2017 Conference “Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Deterministic and Stochastic Models”
at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Invited talk at the 2017 Conference “La complexité des systèmes économiques”
at École Normale Supérieure de Paris
Contributed talk at NAG 2016 (Norms, Actions, Games) in Toulouse
Some recent general audience talks:
"Homme tu m'étonnes", Quai des Savoirs, Toulouse (October 2017)
Commissariat Général au Développement Durable,
Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Énergie, Paris
Coverage in non-academic outlets:
An article (in French) in Université Toulouse 1 Capitole Magazine (December 2020)
An article in Forbes (2020)
An article in Science et Vie (2020)
A video made in connection with the Toulouse Novela prize (in French) (2013)
An article in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter (in Swedish) (December 2016)
An article in TSEconomist, TSE's student magazine (page 22)
Donald Cox
Konrad Dierks
Slimane Dridi
Paul Hooper
Laura Juárez
Miriam Juárez-Torres
Hillard Kaplan
Jean-François Laslier
Laurent Lehmann
Ching-to Albert Ma
Josepa (Pepita) Miquel-Florensa
Régis Renault
José Ignacio Rivero-Wildemauwe
François Salanié
Jonathan Stieglitz
Boris Van Leeuwen
Jörgen W. Weibull
Michael Wilson